Sunday, August 10, 2008

Photo compilation

Hey guys, yuan hao here,

It came to my mind today:

We can make a compilation of the DOPEST and most nostalgic pictures ever taken of us together! Dope is not limited to performances or anything, just any NICE pictures of you bboying or doing any hiphop stuff, or, just yourself! But it must be DOPE, SEKSAY, HANDSOME, FUNNY or NOSTALGIC (nostalgic means reminding us of where we're from and why we form as a crew). The photos should have some value, make sure they are photos that you will take an extra second to reconsider before pressing 'delete' (if that's gonna happen to you one day).

If this materializes, we will print them and compile them into a photo album!!! The problems with printing shouldnt be too much, my dad just bought a Canon Pixma printer. But still, mind sharing the burden? :P

And the ONLY thing that prevents this from succeeding is, the lack of photos, which I dont believe it to be true!

So all people in Kyensai, including those who are closely related (Christina Chew, Zoey, Sharry, Jon Wong, Jaime), please feel free to send them to me. I've included some pictures as examples! Sorry the old photos are not with me though I would love to death to post them up here. Please let there be some artistic value, or a moment-frozen-in-time value that is hard to recapture :)

Pictures that:

Display feats of strength
Have us posing in a unique manner
or are just plain fashionable
Whic show yourself in your life doing mundane stuff in a unique way
or doing non-mundane stuff, like bboying, and also,
getting doped

or groped,
and artistically...
your pussy
will be accepted :)